Scuba Ontario Mobile
Lake Huron>Wexford Artifacts
fullytek 05:01 PM 09-11-2015
3 years ago my wife and I moved in to an older country home. The previous owners were nice enough to leave the accessories for the wood burning fire place this included a rack, small shovel , poker, broom, and a small
brass dish used to store wood matches.

It wasn't long before my destine for this brass dish started to grow. The dish had a very narrow base and it seams that even the inertia of the earths rotation was enough to case it to tip over spilling its contents all over the living room.

Well after picking up 250 matches one to many times, the matches were moved to a more stable container and the dish found its way into the garage where it continued to haunt me.
Every time we had guest over to our home the dish would be used as an ash tray eventually the dish would again spill and I would be stuck cleaning up the mess.

Well this past July I had enough so during a trip to the Wexford I placed the dish on the second deck on the starboard side not far from the up line. I did this for 2 reasons, 1 to get it out of my life and 2 as an experiment to see if it would vanish from the site.

Well less than a month past and surprise surprise its gone and my suspicions are confirmed divers are removing artifacts from the wreck site.

Whoever took it now holds a 1980s made in china trophy that they can show to there buds at the office and boast about how they cheated death in 65 feet of frigid lake Huron water.