Scuba Ontario Mobile
Equipment Forum>I had a that kind !!!
Rob Smith 10:14 PM 02-06-2009
Last week reiceived a PM from a awesome guy JOE ! Joe saw a wing he thought I may have been interested in from another forum. I tried for three day to get into the TDS site but I guess they don't want me and my advance Joe dropped off the email in a PM to me and after a few days back and forth i am now awaitting my new explorer wing.

So to make a long story longer, I thought I would recommend that we all open a foum kinda like the WTB but instead Things wanted. People can constantly add items to there own post in regards to items they are looking for and wanting to get rid of say just one old lonley dive knife. Reg for a stage bottle. This way we could all chip in a help find something should we ever come across it somewhere else or hear of a good deal. If I have that listed in my list of wanted items pm me for deatail or a contact.

This way maybe others who come across deals on new and used gear from other clubs or sources and they could drop the info in the person wish thread or drop a line PM sent for privacy matter ( say someone want the email address private. The nice thing about it the more eyes out looking the better chances of helping each other out saving a few bucks to... more I am sure you all have your good contacts base, as a new guy I don't yet, but am learning. But lets not forget one hand washes the other.

One more way to make it exciting, rule one on a finder fee...finder fee one beer maybe two :-) depending on the item, what better motivation to help out others.!!!! By reading this forum i was able to help two guys sell two good used drysuits and some wrist seals and help a few guy put some dough in their pockest. I think it is great when we can help eachother, builds trust in my eyes.

Although some of us buy things new, look in the forum and maybe someone wants a knife, or older fash light, things such as hoses, regs, smb, floates reels etc. right away under the same posting you have. If he each add to our own posting it will create post revision so a daily revision can be seen.

I will go first, Some things I may need can be bought new, and you know some deals happening, or have one slightly used, it doesn't matter pool in the suggestions and thats a great start. Thought of, maybe someone already has one to pass off so it will get use and put a few bucks in their pocket at the same time. Also maybe your cruisin a site or hear from a friend while diving and say hey I know a guy who's been looking for that! so you and can pass the info along here!

Had a Beer so felt brave writting ! feel free to knock it or tweek it if you find better ideas or suggestions... Just a rough draft , kinda like a swap meet internally ...tis the kinda guy I am...

See Ya! Have a great weekend:-)

I will start.