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Main Forum>Fundies!
PeteSmith 09:54 PM 01-05-2009
:-):-) Woo Hoo! Just signed up for Fundies May 28th 2009! :-)
Jen 10:47 PM 01-05-2009
Congrats!! You won't be disappointed.
Chantelle 10:49 PM 01-05-2009
W00 H00!! Way to go, Pete! Enjoy!! :-)
serge 10:49 PM 01-05-2009
Fantastic Peter. I guess that means our course is full!
Rob Smith 11:02 PM 01-05-2009
Originally Posted by serge:
Fantastic Peter. I guess that means our course is full!
Way to go Pete, guess I better get my ass in gear now..
PeteSmith 11:11 PM 01-05-2009
Originally Posted by Rob Smith:
Way to go Pete, guess I better get my ass in gear now..
Yeah, what are ya waiting for, jump aboard!:-)
Rob Smith 06:46 AM 01-06-2009
Originally Posted by PeteSmith:
Yeah, what are ya waiting for, jump aboard!:-)
With last year being my first year, taking three courses and getting all my gear in order and now diving doubles, I think I will take this season dive as much as I can, enjoy it and learn a bit more. Although I really want to jump into it, truth is at almost 100 dives I really don't feel ready for it yet. I still have alot to learn. Hopefully I will have the chance to dive with a few of the greats here and get some feed back on the things I'll need to improve on before I take the fundies. Besides you know me I'll be out every weekend, playing hooky a day through the week here and there and calling everyone looking for a dive buddy. Come next season I'll have well over 200 dives and another year of experience. I feel by then I will be ready to take on the Fundies challenge. Untill then i am going to sit back and watch you work your @ss
Chantelle 07:41 AM 01-06-2009
Originally Posted by Rob Smith:
With last year being my first year, taking three courses and getting all my gear in order and now diving doubles, I think I will take this season dive as much as I can, enjoy it and learn a bit more. Although I really want to jump into it, truth is at almost 100 dives I really don't feel ready for it yet. I still have alot to learn. Hopefully I will have the chance to dive with a few of the greats here and get some feed back on the things I'll need to improve on before I take the fundies. Besides you know me I'll be out every weekend, playing hooky a day through the week here and there and calling everyone looking for a dive buddy. Come next season I'll have well over 200 dives and another year of experience. I feel by then I will be ready to take on the Fundies challenge. Untill then i am going to sit back and watch you work your @ss
To be honest, Rob, you are much better off taking fundies earlier than later, in my opinion. Fundies will show you where exactly you are in your diving, and what you need to work on , whether you drink the proverbial Kool Aid or not. It is a course that I think is very beneficial earlier on.

I took it after 50 odd dives, and although I only went for the rec pass at first, I think I made the right choice, rather than diving diving diving, picking up "bad" habits, and having to correct them later. There was even a fellow in our course with only 4 logged dives... his OW dives, and I believe he got so much out of the course.

I actually got a provisional at first, went and practiced what I needed to, went back after a month, and got the Rec pass. After getting a Rec pass, there is no limit to when you can go back for a Tech pass. I did that the following year, and Tech 1 the year after that.

If you can manage it, I would reccomend doing it sooner than later! :-)
Rob Smith 09:45 AM 01-06-2009
Thanks for the insight!

What you’re saying makes total sense now that I hear it from someone who has actually been there and done it. It is truly funny now that I think of it. The people who have been telling me to wait and get experience are the ones who haven't even done it themselves. I have learned a lot in my short time here. So not getting all sappy or anything, but you guys are opening some doors I was lead to believe were shut, or so I was told. Seems I already have a few things to "unlearn". Pretty much all the other people I have been diving with are heading to the Dive Master/Instructor area and nothing wrong with that, but it's not my thing. My main goal is to dive wrecks, I want to dive deeper and longer and do my video work. I’d like to put together a video library of the many great lake wrecks. It should keep me So I looked for other avenues, glad I found this one. This is where I want to be and where I want to learn. So I will ask and always listen to anyone here with input on courses or areas you may think I would benefit from, just as this one.

Thanks’ again and great job everyone, I appreciate it Big Time!

Ok, so could someone pass me the info, on whom to contact so I can figure out when and where the next course is and get myself signed up?
PeteSmith 10:08 AM 01-06-2009
You can get all the course date at
Fundies at

Once you register for the course($75 to register), you will be able to download the course material within about 30 mins.

Best to check with Dan Mackay FIRST, to make sure there is a slot on the dates you want.
You can PM him from Ontariodiving, or I can PM his email to you.
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