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Old Archived Forum threads>Deco Software
Rob Smith 07:24 PM 01-15-2009
I am just looking to see what the general census is to what deco planner software you all use if any?
I have been playing around with V-Planner to get the just of how it works, ease of use that sort of thing. I here the GUE deco planner is also good any other suggestions or comments?
JohnG 10:09 PM 01-15-2009
I have nautilus from tech diving limited. 5 different algorithms to choose from. They have a bubble model that no other software uses. Its called hkbm - hamilton kenyon bubble model. I like the output it gives. deco planner is pretty good as well, used the old one before I bought nautilus.
Rob Smith 10:43 PM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by JohnG:
I have nautilus from tech diving limited. 5 different algorithms to choose from. They have a bubble model that no other software uses. Its called hkbm - hamilton kenyon bubble model. I like the output it gives. deco planner is pretty good as well, used the old one before I bought nautilus.
Can you share where you got it from?...
Jen 11:16 PM 01-15-2009
Deco planner is from the GUE site, Nautilus can be found on the Tech Diving Limited Website
I have deco planner as offered on the GUE site. I used the older version and like the newer one better obviously. I have not yet tried the Nautilus. You will find with any software that you "might" have to modify it a bit to suit you. I know a girl that leans to one model for some dives, and has to lean to another model for other dives because she will feel tired after the dive if she doesn't.
PeteSmith 11:17 PM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by Rob Smith:
Can you share where you got it from?...
Google sez: :-)
JohnG 05:40 PM 01-16-2009
Thanks for replying Jen. Download the demo for nautilus from TDL and have alook. It has dcap,vpm, buhlmann,usn, and hkbm for algorithms. Cool program, check out deco planner too, not sure what algorithm it uses now, the old version was very easy to use and easily modified if you know what you are doing. The new version I would assume is better.
Rob Smith 06:28 PM 01-16-2009
Originally Posted by JohnG:
Thanks for replying Jen. Download the demo for nautilus from TDL and have alook. It has dcap,vpm, buhlmann,usn, and hkbm for algorithms. Cool program, check out deco planner too, not sure what algorithm it uses now, the old version was very easy to use and easily modified if you know what you are doing. The new version I would assume is better.
I have downloaded V-planner demo and it allows you use mixes 21% to 50% no limits on depths. Easy to use, but with basic algorthims althought you can set the conservatisim from 1 to 5.

Nautilus wont let you past 66 FSW so demo for deco at that range is usless at the moment yet I like the alogrithims that come with it. I just don't want to buy a program I may end up not liking, but so far Natilus seems favoured here.
Jay Roy 06:31 PM 01-16-2009
No offence Rob..But it seems like your far away from requiring the use of any deco software..keep playing with the freebies and use the money for that spool and smb :-)
Rob Smith 07:10 PM 01-16-2009
Originally Posted by Jay Roy:
No offence Rob..But it seems like your far away from requiring the use of any deco software..keep playing with the freebies and use the money for that spool and smb :-)
Non taken at all... I just have a lot of time on my hands and been reading, I have been reading about deco,and gass management for the past few months, just as source material. I have been reading DIR articles by George Irvine with the sections on deco just as a basic understanding and curiosity. I am bored I need
Joe 08:30 PM 01-16-2009
I don't have a lot of experience using deco software . I was using V-Planner but have switched to Deco Planner. I like being able to toggle between the Buhlman and VPM tabs to compare schedules. The Deco Planner interface is really simple to use and the software is rock solid so far, no issues yet...

I also heard through the grape vine that the new revision of Deco Planner will work on all platforms as well. Mac, Windows, Linux etc..
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